Meet Our Members

Big Sky Community Housing Trust

Big Sky, MT

Contact: David O’Connor

Billings Association of REALTORS

Billings, MT

Contact: Amber Parish

Bjornson Jones Mungas PLLC

Missoula, MT

Contact: Kassy Buss

Blackfeet Housing Authority

Browning, MT

Contact: Mary Gordon

Bob Oaks

Missoula, MT

Contact: Bob Oaks

BSPARK Architecture

Great Falls, MT

Contact: Sophia Sparklin

City of Bozeman

Bozeman, MT

Contact: Renata Munfrada

City of Helena

Helena, MT

Contact: TBD

City of Missoula

Missoula, MT

Contact: Anne Geiger

Clearwater Credit Union

Missoula, MT

​Contact: Paul Herendeen

CR Builders, LLC

Billings, MT

Contact: Don Sterhan

Dick Anderson Construction

Helena, MT

Contact: Dick Anderson

Echo Enterprises

Helena, MT

Contact: Beki Brandborg

GL Development

Helena, MT

Contact: Gene Leuwer

Glacier Bank

Kalispell, MT

Contact: Mike Smith

GMD Development

Seattle, WA

Contact: Gregory Dunfield

Great Falls Development Authority, Inc

Bozeman, MT

Contact: Brett Doney

Helena Area Habitat for Humanity

Helena, MT

Contact: Jacob Kunz

Helena Housing Authority

Helena, MT

Contact: Michael O’Neil


Billings, MT

Contact: Patti Webster


Missoula, MT

Contact: Karissa Trujillo

Housing Authority of Anaconda

Anaconda, MT

Contact: Katlin Leary

The Housing Company

Boise, ID

Contact: Tiffany Hapney

Housing Solutions

Missoula, MT

Contact: Alex Burkhalter

Housing Whitefish

Whitefish, MT

Contact: Daniel Sidder

Immanuel Lutheran Communities

Kalispell, MT

Contact: Jason Cronk

Missoula County

Missoula, MT

Contact: John Wilke

Missoula Housing Authority

Missoula, MT

Contact: Sam Oliver

Missoula League of Women Voters

Missoula, MT

Contact: Mary LaPorte

Missoula Human Resource Council

Missoula, MT

Contact: Jim Morton

Montana Association of REALTORS

Helena, MT

Contact: Daniel Cox

Montana Budget and Policy Center

Helena, MT

Contact: Rose Bender

MT Cooperative Dev Center

Great Falls, MT

Contact: Tracy McIntyre

MT Credit Union Network

Helena, MT

Contact: Karen Smith

MT HRDC Directors Association

Bozeman, MT

Contact: Heather Grenier

MT League of Women Voters

Helena, MT

Contact: Sharon Haugen


Helena, MT

Contact: Michael O’Neil

National Low Income Housing Coalition

Washington DC

Contact: Thaddaeus Elliott

Natalie Schwab

Washington DC

Contact: Natalie Schwab

NeighborWorks Great Falls

Great Falls, MT

Contact: Sherrie Arey

NeighborWorks Montana

Great Falls, MT

Contact: Kaia Peterson

NewWest Community Capital

Boise, ID

Contact: Cindy Williams

North Fork Development

Helena, MT

Contact: Andrew Chanania

North Missoula CDC

Missoula, MT

Contact: Brittany Palmer

Northwest Montana Association of REALTORS

Helena, MT

Contact: Erica Wirtala

Northwest Montana Community Land Trust, Inc.

Kalispell, MT

Contact: Kim Morisaki

Rocky Mountain Development Council

Helena, MT

Contact: Lori Ladas

Rural Community Assistance Corp

Sacramento, CA

Contact: Rachel Smith

Sanders County Democratcs

Thompson Falls, MT

Contact: John Thorson

Slate Capital Partners

Helena, MT

Contact: Shane Walk

Sletten Construction

Great Falls, MT

Contact: Erik Sletten

Syringa Property Management

Boise, ID

Contact: Dianne Hunt

Thomas Development

Boise, ID

Contact: Thomas Mannschreck

Trust Montana

Missoula, MT

Contact: Dawn Conklin

United Housing Partners LLC

Missoula, MT

Contact: Tyson O’Connell

United Way of Missoula County

Missoula, MT

Contact: Susan Hay Cramer

Whitefish Housing Authority

Missoula, MT

Contact: Riss Getts

Wishcamper Development Partners

Missoula, MT

Contact: Wendy Stuker